T-Shirt Fundraiser!
We want to continue to grow and support the local food movement in the Lynchburg, Virginia region but we need to your financial backing to keep Land & Table going.
We want to continue to grow and support the local food movement in the Lynchburg, Virginia region but we need to your financial backing to keep Land & Table going.
We will be discussing the book ‘Our Wild Farming Life: Adventures On A Scottish Highland Croft’ on Thursday, August 3 (6:30-8:00pm) at the Bedford Library. The authors stumble headlong into a life of farming, with one question: “What does farming in harmony with nature look like?”
Books have played an important role for many of us in our journey to embracing regenerative agriculture, eating local, and self-reliant living. We are launching several pilot L&T Book Club groups in 2023.