EMPOWERING & connecting

The local food movement in the Lynchburg, VA region

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Revitalizing Local

Food, Land & Community

Our Vision

Land & Table exists to revitalize the connections between local food, land, and community. Our vision is to catalyze and strengthen small family farms, self-reliant families, and community based local food initiatives to create a thriving and resilient local food system in the Lynchburg, Virginia region.

We are a grassroots network and 501(c)3 non-profit organization serving Lynchburg and surrounding towns and counties, including: Bedford, Amherst, Appomattox, and Campbell Counties.

Working towards a thriving and resilient local food system in the Lynchburg, VA region.

Vision: support farms


Our vision is to support and promote the Lynchburg region’s local farms, food producers, and food entrepreneurs by expanding marketing channels, training, skill-sharing and community building.

Vision: Strengthen self-reliance in families


Our vision is to help strengthen the food security of families in our region’s rural, suburban, and urban neighborhoods – by offering food production resources, training, skill-sharing, seed sharing and distribution, and community building.

Vision: Accelerate ecological agriculture


Our vision is to accelerate the widespread adoption of ecological and regenerative agricultural practices through educational training, demonstration sites, and
mentorship programs (both formal and informal).

Vision: Raise Awareness of the importance of eating local.


Our vision is to raise awareness about the importance of relocalizing food production, and local eating for our personal, social, ecological, and economic health. It is time to build a more sustainable future.

Think Local

“Properly speaking, global thinking is not possible… Look at one of those photographs of half the earth taken from outer space, and see if you recognize your neighborhood. The right local questions and answers will be the right global ones. The Amish question, what will this do to our community? tends toward the right answer for the world.”

– Wendell Berry

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