This is a FREE event, but we ask that you consider financially supporting our work.


A movement is rising that is passionate about healing the land, reclaiming our health, seeking a more resilient way of life, rebuilding local community, reviving regional economy, and relocalizing the food system. Will you be a part of making change?

Join us for an open potluck and time of networkng at the Land & Table September Farm Social at Mountain Run Farm in Sedalia (northern Bedford County) on Sept. 17 (6-8pm). This is a great chance to connect with like-minded folks, learn more about the vision and mission of Land & Table, and discover ways you can get involved with the local food movement in the Lynchburg, Virginia region.

You might love this event if you are one of the following:
– regenerative farmer,
– homesteader,
– local food advocate,
– organic gardener,
– new agrarian,
– chicken wrangler,
– soil hugger,
– permaculturalist,
– food system reformer,
– local economy supporter,
– local food lover,
– holistic health seeker,
– beekeeper,
– home canner,
– farmers market patron,
– bread baker,
– forager,
– wildcrafter,

Or if you aspire to being any of the above – come on out!


COST: FREE, but we ask that you RSVP. Please consider making a donation when you arrive. Help us keep these monthly events going
WHEN: Tuesday, September 17 (6-8pm)
WHERE: Mountain Run Farm (Camp Sedalia): 1228 Charlemont Rd, Big Island, VA 24526

Turn into the farm driveway. Drive past the showbarn, through the gate, and keep going straight back towards the camp entrance.

WHO: Anyone! All are welcome.

– A healthy dish to share.
-A lawn chair or picnic blanket.
– A friend (of course)!
– Your own dishware.
– Your own drink.
– Kids are welcome but they must be attended by an adult.

DONATE: Leave a tip when you arrive! We are a 501(c)3 non-profit and your financial support helps us keep these monthly events going. Thank you for partnering with us! Or you can donate online – or learn more about our mission and vision.

If you or your children are under the weather or not feeling well, we ask that you stay home and rest with a nice cup of warm medicinal tea. 🙂

Mountain Run Farm (Camp Sedalia): 1228 Charlemont Rd, Big Island, VA 24526

Land And Table

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