Kefir / Kefir water
Sour Cream
Fruits and Vegetables (including pickling)
Sourdough breads
Homebrew beer and wine
Compost teas
Everyone will be given opportunity to be a part of the open discussion but if you plan on longer sharing in the forum please keep your skillsharing to 10 minutes or under. Consider bringing a print-out of instructions or other info and if possible an example of the fermented food or farm/garden product (in the case of compost tea, etc). None of this is necessary for sharing but will be helpful. Also, if you plan on longer sharing please let us know ahead of the gathering or use the sign-up forum on arriving.
Viva La Fermentation!
Mountain Run Farm‘s: Camp Sedalia,
1228 Charlemont Rd, Big Island, VA 24526 (The entrance is right next to Sedalia Baptist Church. Instead of parking at the showbarn/farm store – keep driving straight until you come to the camp (near the tree line).
Tuesday, August 15 (5-8pm)
5:00-5:45 | Arrive and network
5:45-6:45 | Eat
6:45-8:00 | Fermentation forum – come to share or learn.
- Healthy and yummy dinner food to share (fermented foods welcome!) (please label your dish – if you feel so inclined write out your recipe for those who are interested).
- Your own dishware (plate or bowl, cup, silverware ,etc).
- A lawn chair in case we run out of seating.
- Help us keep these gatherings going – cash donations are always welcome.