Bramble Hollow Farm and how you can apply the same practices where you live and grow. This discussion is for farmers, gardeners, homesteaders, and anyone who wants an introduction to understanding soil health and how to build it naturally. THE WHAT: Soil health (mineralization, biology & physics) THE HOW: Soil testing – methodology and variability THE WHY: To build healthy and resilient farm systems using rotations and on-farm products (composts, manures, teas, etc.) to promote biological diversity, enhance water management and improve crop, animal and human health. =============================== DETAILS: WHAT WILL WE BE DOING? Farm tour, community potluck, discussion with Brent Wills about soil health. (Please try to arrive between 5:00 and 5:30 if you would like to participate in the potluck) COME PREPARED:
- Bring a lawn chair or folding chair (we will meet outside).
- Bring healthy dinner food to share. Label your dish with your name and food description if you can.
- Bring your own dishware (plates, cups, utensils, etc) (A dishwashing area will be provided).
- FOOD DONATION: We will be collecting non-perishable food items or other storeable food (ex: fruit) for Bedford Christian Ministries (a local non-profit focused on feeding those in need)
Please RSVP by using our Contact page or by RSVPing on Facebook. Bring a friend!