The next gathering for the Land and Table Network is coming up this Tuesday, March 5th. As always, this will be a great chance for networking with like-minded folks in the local food movement, eating together, sharing ideas, and moving towards collaborative action to promote sustainable agriculture, intentional living and local food in the Lynchburg regional area.
This time around we will be ‘Dreaming of Spring!’ and discussing our plans for Spring, including organizing a ‘Farm Hop’ series starting in April – where we will move the Land and Table gatherings around to different farms within our network…and who knows, maybe beyond! Last year we made a few attempts at this new format but it never really got off the ground. This year though we hope to use this as a means to highlight the good work of hardworking, local, sustainably-minded farmers and possibly even take it one step further with some crop mobs.
If you’d like to be a part of the conversation come join us!
WHEN: Tuesday, March 5th, 2013 | 4:30 – 7:30 PM
(potluck starts around 5:00 – discussion begins around 6:15)
Mountain Run Farm saloon (near pond) in Sedalia (Bedford County)
For directions go to:
Bring a healthy, homemade dish to share and… your own dishware (plates, silverware, cups, etc.)!
RSVP on Facebook)
[pdf http://landandtable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/land-and-table-march2013-flyer-lo.pdf 590 780]
Download the flyer: