L&T Book Club

The Land & Table Book Club is currently on hiatus as we work on shifting the format to better serve the community. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months. In the meantime, see all the great books (below) that you can check out from the Bedford / Lynchburg library systems.
The Land & Table book club is a way to engage with the core ideas and topics that are motivating a new generation to create a more resilient food system and vibrant local community life. We’ll be reading books about: eating local, self-reliant living, agrarian culture, growing food, culinary history, community resilience, going back-to-the-land, and more. This is not a book club that will be technical in nature. And if you don’t have a green thumb, you’ll still feel at home.
You don’t have to grow your own food or be a homesteader or farmer to enjoy these books. But…you do have to be curious about reviving your connection with the land, with other people, and with the food you eat. And the reality is: tending to those connections is important for all of us.
We meet on the first Thursday of each month and welcome anyone to our meetings – even if you have not read the book we will be discussing.
L&T Book Club: The Unsettling of America – Discussion: 3/2
Join us Thursday evening, March 2 at the Bedford Central Library, for the L&T Book Club. We will be hosting a discussion on one of the most important books of our time: The Unsettling of America, by agrarian author, philosopher, and farmer Wendell Berry.
L&T Book Club: Radical Homemakers – Discussion: 2/2
Join us Thursday, February 2 for a discussion on the book ‘Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture’ by Shannon Hayes.
L&T Book Club Launch: December Book by Joel Salatin
Our first book that we’ll be reading for the launch of the Land & Table Book Club is by self-professed ‘lunatic’ farmer Joel Salatin. Like all his books, ‘Folks This Ain’t Normal’ is a thought provoking read. We’ll be reading it through December and then will discuss the book in our first meeting on Thursday, January 5th (7:00-8:30pm) at the Bedford Central public Library in the town of Bedford.