This t-shirt fundraiser is online only. Pre-orders will go until August 31, 2024 and then a print-on-demand batch will be printed and shipped out to everyone by Bonfire out of Richmond, Virginia.


 For over 12 years we have been networking and supporting the local food movement in the Lynchburg, Virginia region by hosting monthly events. These events have been focused on education, community building, and providing a platform for the sharing of skills, knowledge and wisdom. Since the beginning, we have incorporated potlucks into these events because we are a movement that is all about local food and connection – connection with one another and the land.

Potlucks obviously are free – because we all bring something to the table, but the other aspects of our meetings take a great deal of time to organize, plan, promote, host, and clean up from. Through the generosity of the farms and other venues who host, and the speakers who present or facilitate, we continue to offer empowering content for anyone interested:

  • Ecological agriculture
  • Resilient Living
  • Community Building
  • Local Food

You may be a commercial farmer, a dedicated homesteader, or a passionate local food lover, but we find common ground in our shared values to heal the land, heal our bodies, and re-weave vibrant local communities – through the growing and eating of local food.

None of us does it perfectly but if we are all pointed in the same direction we can transform how our food system works, how healthy our families are, how in harmony our local ecologies are, and how resilient our local economy is.

So, we are built on the pattern of the potluck – we all bring something to the table. But in time and finances only a small portion of us have carried the load. This needs to change if Land & Table is going to continue into the future.

In late 2022 we officially became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the hopes of expanding how we serve the local food movement and the wider regional Lynchburg area community. We’ve long dreamed about creating a regional local food guide (which we’ve started on), young regenerative farmer mentorship, a ‘school’ of homesteading, and other programming to build a thriving local food system. And – we want to keep hosting monthly events, plus learning intensives for going deeper…

But none of it can happen without a passionate core fueling the movement. And even our monthly events cannot continue without more of us contributing to making it all happen. Like all things – if you feed it, it can thrive. If you don’t it will die.

We did a little fundraising last year but we need to fund the work on an ongoing basis. We are behind in raising funds this year and are kicking fundraising back into gear by starting with a t-shirt fundraiser and are plotting some other means to put fuel to the fire in the coming months. Help us keep this fire burning. Land & Table has always been founded on a potluck culture and it will only survive with the same.

Stay tuned for more ways to fan these flames in the coming weeks. Thank you!
Land And Table

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