‘Back to the Land’ movements. In more modern times, in the U.S., the 60’s and 70’s saw the dream of living close to the land rekindled and spread like wildfire. We believe that again today we are in the midst of a new cultural moment when the dream of restoring our agrarian roots has inspired young and old alike. But is it really possible to shift from a life of box store conveniences towards land-based, simpler living, self-sufficiency and community interdependence? Is it a pipe dream or is it practically attainable? Can we even go beyond ‘living off the land’ to embedding ourselves in the land? What could this look like? What changes of mind, motivation and lifestyle does this require? What goals can we set before us to change how we live in these times? Join us in Sedalia (northern Bedford County) on Tuesday, April 17 (5-8pm), for our monthly Land and Table potluck and an open forum discussion on ‘Living Off the Land’. We will be discussing both personal action and community formation necessary to encourage this shift locally. Come ready to share your successes and failures, questions, and encouragement. As always, eating begins around 5:45 (come later if you need to); membership is not required to attend; all are welcome; bring a friend! WHERE: The Sedalia Center (northern Bedford County) 1108 Sedalia School Road Big Island, VA 24526 WHEN: Tuesday, April 17 (5-8pm) 5:00-5:45 | Networking and arriving 6:00-6:45 | Eating together 6:45-8:00 | Open forum – topic: Living Off the Land WHAT TO BRING: – Healthy dinner food to share (please label if possible) – Your own dishware (plate or bowl, cup, silverware ,etc) – If you have children please bring quiet toys, coloring, or other activities for during the forum. (please note: parents are responsible for supervising their own kids)
- Winter Break ’24 + 2025 Meeting DatesBlessings in the new year! We hope you had a great Christmas and holiday season. We are currently on Winter Break and are not hosting events but make sure you are on our email list for all the latest Land & Table news and info on when we will be rebooting our monthly events.
- Natural Farm First-Aid (Nov. 19)Join us Tuesday, Nov. 19 (6-8pm) for the final Land & Table potluck of 2024 and a look at natural first-aid methodology - using herbal and homeopathic remedies.
- Nose To Tail: Eating Organ MeatsJoin us for the final Land & Table Amherst potluck of the year on Saturday, November 16 (5-7pm) at Brooklyn Hills Ranch in Amherst County, Virginia. We will be discussing the benefits of eating organ meats like heart, liver, and more - and how to prepare for optimal health and enjoyment.