UPDATE: Our potluck and open forum tomorrow will feature Grassroots Local Market – a new co-op grocery store forming in downtown Lynchburg. They will be sharing their vision and ways for eaters and food producers to get involved.
The next Land and Table networking potluck and open forum is coming up next week on Tuesday, May 17 at Mountain Run Farm in northern Bedford County, Virginia. For over three years we have continued to host our monthly potlucks as a space for farmers, gardeners, homesteaders, and local food advocates to meet and encourage one another. These potlucks are not just events for us – but a small way that we can help cultivate community and build, even if slowly, a movement of people who are collectively passionate about transforming our food and farming culture in the Lynchburg, Virginia region. This is a national, if not worldwide, movement with a very local expression – unique to our own place. “Eating is an agricultural act” as the farmer/writer/poet Wendell Berry so famously said. Eating together is our way of not just remembering this truth but of reminding one another that agriculture is communal work. Too many of us, whether farmer or eater or somewhere inbetween – live a life that is saturated with the American ideal of the lone pioneer – we are carving out a path in business and life that we can claim is our own. But we are, like the the rest of creation, made for the ecology of community – the complex web of relational interdependence that makes up a healthy life. This is the vision for Land and Table – to cultivate the life of community, for a community of land-lovers and food advocates. These are not just potlucks, they are a slow means of cultivating a movement – of growing community. Will you be a part? Join us.
When: Tuesday, May 17 (5-8 pm) (NOTE: come late if you cannot make it by 5pm but please RSVP.) 5:00-5:45: Arriving and networking 5:45-6:45: Eating and gabbing 6:45-7:45: Open Forum 7:45-8:00: Clean up Come Prepared By Bringing:- Food to share (the focus is on homemade and healthy and…yummy!)
- Your own dishware (plates, forks, spoons, cups, etc – for your own use).
- Lawn chairs (there will be benches as well).
- An optional cash donation of any amount (if you benefit from and appreciate the work of Land and Table)
- Dress appropriately – we plan on being outside.
RSVP: Here on the website or on Facebook.