Summer is in the air as Spring winds down and our next monthly community potluck is coming up next week on Tuesday, June 16. Our gathering will take place at Mountain Run Farm’s Camp Sedalia with special guest and local beemaster Ted Falls – owner of Wheats Valley Apiary and Beekeeping Services. As most of us know honey bees are in crisis with massive die-offs reported around the nation and world. Colony collapse disorder, widespread pesticide usage, parasites and other threats to honeybees are now being studied by experts in order to understand and stop honey bee decline. Join us as we glean the wisdom of a seasoned beekeeper as he discusses beekeeping basics, talks on-site about the bee sanctuary he has established at Camp Sedalia and highlights what you can do around your home to help save the bees! Whether you are an aspiring or ‘wanna-bee’ beekeeper or simply want to know how you can play a role locally in providing safe haven for these important pollinators – we all need to learn how to ‘keep’ and protect honeybees. Join us for an evening of networking, learning and enjoying the great outdoors. (Note: For those of you who are interested: If we have time for an up-close examination of the hives please consider wearing light colors as bees tend to view darker colors as a threat (think: black bears, etc!). Please leave your dogs or other pets at home. For those of you who are scared of or are allergic to bees please know that we will not be sitting in the midst of bee swarms – the hives are located on the far edge of the camp.)
RSVP: Here on the website or on Facebook.